An Oil Painting Done in Palatine, Illinois
Woman and Guitar, 11×14, Oil on panel, 3/10/2012
I painted a small oil painting on a wood panel depicting a reclined woman with a pierced nipple and an electric guitar in the background. The skin tones have a very cool tone to them that is repeated in the hues of the background. The body has a “S” shape to it and just above her hips, the model fidgets with her hands and fingers. The nude figure depicts only the torso, whereas the guitar includes only the neck and headstock. What is incomplete about the guitar is fulfilled by the woman and vice versa. A headless woman and a body-less guitar. Slightly chauvinistic, yes, but all things considered, I would say that is indeed appropriate for this piece.
A friend of mine mentioned that this painting has an interesting dialog. Another friend said there’s sex and rock ‘n roll and the only thing this painting is missing is drugs. I have to agree that there is definitely a statement made in this piece. Two things that stand out about this painting is the color tone and subject. There are a lot of blue tones in the painting which are a result of my pthalo blue paint, and the subject definitely leaves a lot to the imagination.