3 of my artworks were accepted into the pastel only art exhibit Pastels Chicago 2013 which is held at the Art Center Highland Park, IL. Also, “Heather’s Intrigue” won a purchase award at the show.

“Heather’s Intrigue” is a portrait done during a 2.5 hour sitting that was completed from a photographic reference in the studio. I worked out the final details in the hands, face, and flower the following day after the majority of the painting was rendered in a rougher state. The painting features a model named Heather, who is holding a rose that is presumably a gift from an admirer. It is executed in soft pastels on Ampersand Pastelbord.

Pastel on Board 12×16
“A Girl Wearing a Bandana” is a 12×16 pastel portrait done at the Palette and Chisel during a Saturday morning long pose session. The piece has a limited palette consisting of warm creamy highlights, cool bluish mid-tones, deep violet shadows, and a touch of pink here and there. This piece was created with soft pastels that were applied on a wet surface and were blended using a bristle brush.
The painting “A Gold and Onyx Earring“ was also exectuted at the Palette and Chisel in Chicago, IL during a saturaday morning long pose session. It is a portrait of an African woman with a rather large hairdo. She also happens to be a jewelry designer and was wearing one of her peices while she modeled for us. The room at the Palette has a mix of warm and cool lights and many of the cool lights are reflected in her rich, dark skin.

About Pastels Chicago 2013
4th Biennial National Juried Exhibition
November 8th – January 4th, 2014
Opening Reception: Friday, November 8th 6:30-9:00pm
The Chicago Pastel Painters and The Art Center – Highland Park present the 4th Annual National Juried Exhibition. This exhibit will feature 90 works of art, all executed in the medium of pastel, by the most elite pastel painters from across the country. Curated by Richard McKinley, Master Member of the Pastel Society of America. The awards will be judged by Sandra Burshell, Master Member of the Pastel Society of America, the selections will be revealed at the opening reception on Friday, November 8th, 2013 6:30-9:00pm.